
"Welcome to ReforgedCraft. Our community strives to create and maintain the most authentic Blizzlike gaming experience."
734 Members, Garona
Members Race Class Faction Level Rank
Durotan 2 Leader
Sadasd 1 GM
Garona 73 GM
Arthas 80 GM
Deserts 80 GM
Desert 80 GM
Vulpera 11 GM
Mathaias 80 V.I.P
Bucky 80 V.I.P
Tuvok 21 V.I.P
Macro 80 V.I.P
Merlin 80 V.I.P
Dev 1 V.I.P
Noria 80 V.I.P
Apokallypse 80 V.I.P
Loonytoon 80 V.I.P
Cryptichero 80 V.I.P
Gillelli 27 V.I.P
Patty 45 V.I.P
Ahaziah 27 V.I.P
Teddibiase 80 V.I.P
Pentaghast 24 V.I.P
Op 20 Supporter
Diana 15 Supporter
Sylvanas 35 Supporter
Raven 22 Supporter
Wendy 80 Supporter
Cakkal 80 Supporter
Death 80 Supporter
Gnomio 80 Supporter
Marlene 80 Supporter
Shamwow 80 Supporter
Braena 13 Supporter
Maven 80 Supporter
Arthur 80 Supporter
Deathwhisper 80 Supporter
Dukdukgose 80 Supporter
Neckbeard 80 Supporter
Zariana 24 Supporter
Palatank 38 Supporter
Mccool 80 Supporter
David 20 Player
Huntress 29 Player
Sobaruu 8 Player
Lorenta 17 Player
Droktarx 3 Player
Aasdq 70 Player
Leechadin 7 Player
Marion 80 Player
Losttor 3 Player
Ria 2 Player
Shot 10 Player
Smash 80 Player
Kely 19 Player
Deathknight 55 Player
Immortal 17 Player
Ftumch 60 Player
Zhaba 1 Player
Páladin 55 Player
Demondovah 11 Player
Arcdovah 4 Player
Shadovah 2 Player
Lunardovah 6 Player
Coolem 80 Player
Droch 4 Player
Eatmydmg 15 Player
Desire 75 Player
Macrobius 63 Player
Bim 7 Player
Nakai 14 Player
Antilopegris 14 Player
Hatsu 6 Player
Gaturro 1 Player
Malakk 80 Player
Darkus 1 Player
Tarolas 5 Player
Shyoto 11 Player
Shyotox 3 Player
Tribunalx 19 Player
Bobgoran 72 Player
Avely 10 Player
Nuevededos 9 Player
Magnus 3 Player
Thrall 16 Player
Mageknight 20 Player
Unclefester 31 Player
Melooc 9 Player
Kaleb 5 Player
Rampage 20 Player
Yinia 5 Player
Kuzi 10 Player
Flinlek 10 Player
Shadowhaunt 80 Player
Tarikat 74 Player
Slurtle 5 Player
Malaz 2 Player
Cranius 63 Player
Hruk 11 Player
Öcsike 6 Player
Lothar 1 Player
Testadin 2 Player
Mellyholy 3 Player
Rumpage 18 Player
Eltaliban 50 Player
Sohloah 10 Player
Veritos 1 Player
Lucia 56 Player
Harolex 80 Player
Apex 80 Player
Tankmemo 50 Player
Bane 26 Player
Lupin 2 Player
Drakthul 24 Player
Nadka 2 Player
Void 3 Player
Bigpapapala 2 Player
Ophel 70 Player
Djulock 19 Player
Pace 20 Player
Draenei 58 Player
Sarcozz 17 Player
Magememo 25 Player
Shamemo 23 Player
Rogmemo 39 Player
Huntmemo 30 Player
Bolg 2 Player
Lopatka 80 Player
Primebank 20 Player
Fault 61 Player
Arrupe 3 Player
Toribio 27 Player
Mayze 10 Player
Humane 80 Player
Clas 2 Player
Evere 5 Player
Khoome 10 Player
Skido 3 Player
Drumemo 20 Player
Ply 65 Player
Barista 2 Player
Saltyjak 10 Player
Guapa 80 Player
Machinshin 80 Player
Baley 1 Player
Klub 12 Player
Pugg 4 Player
Atroce 4 Player
Reline 12 Player
Draquon 8 Player
Draq 6 Player
Baconsmasher 2 Player
Tamina 65 Player
Earrg 2 Player
Avasd 1 Player
Gungarn 17 Player
Ophiedari 12 Player
Zara 2 Player
Wamee 80 Player
Joeblack 73 Player
Elemance 3 Player
Garga 23 Player
Roumi 5 Player
Kelse 14 Player
Wrandalthor 21 Player
Uros 71 Player
Rajine 27 Player
Devastation 70 Player
Ichigo 1 Player
Magemage 1 Player
Alen 10 Player
Tyrandel 80 Player
Healeza 15 Player
Saiyajin 44 Player
Boni 1 Player
Incryptid 5 Player
Peter 2 Player
Flexe 3 Player
Anzino 53 Player
Tempest 18 Player
Anzina 35 Player
Lexis 2 Player
Asdasdasd 3 Player
Cristianfq 5 Player
Warf 10 Player
Asdfpijno 12 Player
Fred 6 Player
Teoden 1 Player
Aascasf 1 Player
Bubbletard 10 Player
Archedevil 66 Player
Maha 2 Player
Goku 62 Player
Gramsha 2 Player
Jacon 1 Player
Ruffy 4 Player
Icey 58 Player
Sini 31 Player
Jaraclaw 80 Player
Apo 8 Player
Devastationx 80 Player
Twilight 40 Player
Deyvia 25 Player
Aedeysong 28 Player
Traeda 22 Player
Mard 13 Player
Runaewauys 2 Player
Suoi 49 Player
Kerathilia 10 Player
Osiris 69 Player
Kethlaratha 6 Player
Kheroth 50 Player
Khera 50 Player
Deserty 1 Player
Agadir 28 Player
Kherata 14 Player
Kheratho 14 Player
Locki 1 Player
Samaria 62 Player
Delitha 10 Player
Sara 13 Player
Darkheal 1 Player
Kalipali 6 Player
Dradira 11 Player
Kkaa 6 Player
Kkbb 6 Player
Kkcc 6 Player
Kkdd 6 Player
Deekay 80 Player
Colddeath 80 Player
Paladox 1 Player
Hörnchen 63 Player
Anzine 75 Player
Kroxi 1 Player
Gravityfall 2 Player
Carius 1 Player
Ily 4 Player
Calnda 66 Player
Kymera 1 Player
Talok 6 Player
Bigbad 6 Player
Lowdown 28 Player
Rick 12 Player
Asdwe 1 Player
Asdee 1 Player
Vasi 39 Player
Melongas 12 Player
Assd 1 Player
Muse 23 Player
Spafface 74 Player
Jens 80 Player
Banker 10 Player
Asdas 1 Player
Fdfdf 1 Player
Dfdd 1 Player
Druk 10 Player
Pardin 12 Player
Syri 22 Player
Drunken 70 Player
Primebanker 21 Player
Null 66 Player
Dukol 80 Player
Tinah 70 Player
Asdeew 1 Player
Sdqwe 1 Player
Asdwesd 1 Player
Sdad 1 Player
Sdawe 80 Player
Testerr 1 Player
Spore 27 Player
Sarah 1 Player
Ry 9 Player
Bajablast 18 Player
Crone 80 Player
Boofy 15 Player
Popsmoke 11 Player
Asdqwe 1 Player
Alpha 20 Player
Ghost 70 Player
Driplata 68 Player
Rage 41 Player
Loko 55 Player
Zynod 33 Player
Marten 9 Player
Birka 2 Player
Farseer 58 Player
Elessar 80 Player
Darkbreed 69 Player
Yuntluz 1 Player
Guruonn 1 Player
Shockwave 80 Player
Giatayka 60 Player
Anzinu 25 Player
Shay 1 Player
Prophet 80 Player
Hasiel 1 Player
Palirt 55 Player
Haxzorz 12 Player
Hysj 27 Player
Lancelot 4 Player
Momtezuma 18 Player
Velidra 4 Player
Sdqweaa 1 Player
Decima 1 Player
Exotica 5 Player
Hujier 1 Player
Dreng 3 Player
Softy 8 Player
Lamer 18 Player
Larzakzul 55 Player
Picklerickk 3 Player
Dael 13 Player
Traxex 13 Player
Allania 1 Player
Headhunter 1 Player
Mgd 10 Player
Dethcow 63 Player
Lasasuki 25 Player
Metalwave 80 Player
Misolowski 55 Player
Garono 1 Player
Ghund 66 Player
Giban 1 Player
Testor 2 Player
Adammon 5 Player
Mownmbasa 10 Player
Behindsapper 8 Player
Arcanesavage 9 Player
Freia 51 Player
Sanguinepyre 66 Player
Archdevil 1 Player
Akamy 5 Player
Bandras 25 Player
Slicez 3 Player
Zookeeper 22 Player
Rane 2 Player
Pathilby 80 Player
Tergi 18 Player
Tankolowski 80 Player
Milo 3 Player
Lockhead 70 Player
Acindenus 43 Player
Ross 10 Player
Sheally 1 Player
Hulkhrc 2 Player
Jarax 1 Player
Porkfrydrice 38 Player
Nilzab 7 Player
Devma 13 Player
Runtteri 73 Player
Bearjoo 1 Player
Trike 2 Player
Lerpsutin 5 Player
Shampoo 46 Player
Riotgirl 45 Player
Bambucia 26 Player
Tazzy 7 Player
Bamby 8 Player
Shadow 1 Player
Elfris 2 Player
Maddog 1 Player
Holysranje 2 Player
Levronna 1 Player
Jackas 30 Player
Banu 1 Player
Nikkenekke 6 Player
Zaidus 1 Player
Donko 66 Player
Wauzolowski 10 Player
Pengucat 4 Player
Fungaltoe 1 Player
Hawkxeyes 54 Player
Picante 33 Player
Booca 39 Player
Whisky 1 Player
Agarrius 1 Player
Odin 80 Player
Veter 12 Player
Boot 68 Player
Fandraus 1 Player
Wolfis 5 Player
Eqef 2 Player
Bullzeye 19 Player
Houndess 1 Player
Aasddas 1 Player
Nkshadows 1 Player
Kali 1 Player
Vilio 1 Player
Derekk 6 Player
Edvin 30 Player
Kraddek 22 Player
Shuggu 10 Player
Nocturdovah 1 Player
Xuendovah 3 Player
Shamdovah 3 Player
Dovahdiin 1 Player
Horst 18 Player
Tekoteko 9 Player
Schneewitli 12 Player
Tola 1 Player
Minpal 64 Player
Tafferaffe 1 Player
Bestmaster 2 Player
Malfurrion 4 Player
Durin 46 Player
Xaigrazal 5 Player
Aick 2 Player
Rain 19 Player
Sigmatized 15 Player
Coadw 23 Player
Gennarot 22 Player
Langlana 2 Player
Cryptic 2 Player
Controverse 1 Player
Polemico 2 Player
Boru 3 Player
Vanvictis 1 Player
Flup 1 Player
Lixir 1 Player
Gain 23 Player
Zay 30 Player
Testingxp 1 Player
Tamex 4 Player
Sou 7 Player
Phala 48 Player
Sylistra 2 Player
Huben 6 Player
Warenik 5 Player
Hand 21 Player
Narcosis 15 Player
Aworgen 1 Player
Vulpino 1 Player
Epi 1 Player
Ammeros 11 Player
Ammeroz 45 Player
Loafy 11 Player
Gimer 11 Player
Shalala 20 Player
Cascarita 52 Player
Athos 2 Player
Ocornão 11 Player
Hanzu 2 Player
Necrophagous 2 Player
Xibalba 67 Player
Shella 8 Player
Aziff 4 Player
Guward 68 Player
Tarkatru 1 Player
Raspu 2 Player
Kerthon 76 Player
Shanli 54 Player
Bloodhunt 14 Player
Asmo 20 Player
Butilka 70 Player
Kyrus 22 Player
Druido 9 Player
Babayaga 1 Player
Leguadora 7 Player
Imanol 6 Player
Nomuerto 8 Player
Atra 70 Player
Ryanallis 30 Player
Joxe 16 Player
Asmodeus 11 Player
Morfea 64 Player
Pizdun 1 Player
Nemesis 24 Player
Avroralolz 11 Player
Dior 3 Player
Rayvin 15 Player
Giggles 39 Player
Covid 20 Player
Idilis 6 Player
Lisa 20 Player
Chandree 2 Player
Bandua 6 Player
Domi 17 Player
Emma 1 Player
Retbull 1 Player
Yolonas 32 Player
Miracle 2 Player
Littlekitty 13 Player
Pridejr 4 Player
Moonchild 18 Player
Kellianna 12 Player
Brity 15 Player
Courick 12 Player
Heartsqueeze 13 Player
Alade 19 Player
Druug 18 Player
Mecks 12 Player
Badurslovi 71 Player
Aeve 9 Player
Zania 15 Player
Kuuna 16 Player
Oghma 17 Player
Thony 1 Player
Autumn 12 Player
Leyla 1 Player
Crashcart 1 Player
Cuetips 1 Player
Scornithin 43 Player
Raera 19 Player
Atroposfly 3 Player
Bruin 17 Player
Dhia 1 Player
Dizzy 3 Player
Annapurna 3 Player
Dolgranus 64 Player
Rajim 19 Player
Myssiaa 2 Player
Notalk 2 Player
Minionbug 11 Player
Pandamage 12 Player
Bigos 12 Player
Sapphire 2 Player
Hechicera 80 Player
Elbing 9 Player
Gore 80 Player
Arndor 18 Player
Chronof 5 Player
Bratko 10 Player
Jinx 34 Player
Coadpc 5 Player
Barke 24 Player
Kaemon 57 Player
Shogun 7 Player
Rastus 5 Player
Verlyn 6 Player
Huung 9 Player
Nirrin 13 Player
Frokes 16 Player
Walak 3 Player
Bault 14 Player
Lamotte 4 Player
Elysia 18 Player
Bitani 14 Player
Meat 1 Player
Spankyr 16 Player
Patug 11 Player
Balthazar 10 Player
Tor 21 Player
Destini 58 Player
Hordapanda 60 Player
Panda 2 Player
Worgen 58 Player
Wherewolf 58 Player
Kratez 3 Player
Lalati 23 Player
Twoutes 3 Player
Crazyhead 11 Player
Shiopat 11 Player
Patmis 10 Player
Sparklers 33 Player
Maglord 31 Player
Dieforme 80 Player
Ziggydaway 13 Player
Firefox 1 Player
Npg 2 Player
Tjuv 26 Player
Loonywar 12 Player
Spoon 11 Player
Sxcvdsfq 6 Player
Shadowdancre 21 Player
Danico 5 Player
Alexio 4 Player
Lithyeria 6 Player
Alexthedwarf 16 Player
Razel 13 Player
Hanapat 7 Player
Toor 26 Player
Ming 40 Player
Vaderpally 1 Player
Jirty 67 Player
Frela 65 Player
Palida 2 Player
Zahn 15 Player
Pen 9 Player
Tinyjet 13 Player
Msfuzzypaws 11 Player
Fuzzypaws 11 Player
Patag 6 Player
Adfe 1 Player
Undr 13 Player
Blex 3 Player
Walorikon 3 Player
Panlock 9 Player
Razzmiss 21 Player
Darklord 4 Player
Kiroshiva 8 Player
Devilhand 3 Player
Kplantmine 55 Player
Wraith 5 Player
Alice 8 Player
Supdog 6 Player
Chickenman 6 Player
Chiin 23 Player
Teyah 22 Player
Chumly 5 Player
Alyiah 2 Player
Dober 8 Player
Nightclaw 12 Player
Mamat 6 Player
Trew 3 Player
Bower 2 Player
Janis 37 Player
Kysel 1 Player
Warmane 11 Player
Veetz 67 Player
Jirtydk 58 Player
Grazle 1 Player
Madora 16 Player
Diyin 26 Player
Danshammy 21 Player
Okraintu 11 Player
Mista 8 Player
Koltar 73 Player
Quake 1 Player
Jirtysham 3 Player
Frielda 30 Player
Cherry 42 Player
Yrel 20 Player
Skye 20 Player
Isabella 33 Player
Haat 17 Player
Homelander 3 Player
Cloister 1 Player
Tuweety 8 Player
Zha 39 Player
Piwko 14 Player
Xiixxii 41 Player
Rimia 45 Player
Hetaya 55 Player
Kot 12 Player
Jirtymage 6 Player
Vito 41 Player
Hound 2 Player
Nerros 9 Player
Tanisea 1 Player
Kiara 8 Player
Neta 19 Player
Barkie 8 Player
Drfeargood 33 Player
Ninive 15 Player
Greatskyle 2 Player
Candycrush 5 Player
Drolta 1 Player
Original 2 Player
Sendra 3 Player
Zouwin 2 Player
Sodizin 33 Player
Moojackman 80 Player
Zyst 10 Player
Cutievulp 10 Player
Warforged 18 Player
Zoster 16 Player
Ufaw 9 Player
Darkjokez 7 Player
Vela 5 Player
Jirtypal 1 Player
Mkjm 1 Player
Dieformee 47 Player
Leroy 2 Player
Sarahenity 4 Player
Shiro 10 Player
Perkin 12 Player
Nagy 3 Player
Sopel 12 Player
Wilkinson 1 Player
Pkantara 41 Player
Juggermel 1 Player
Derk 2 Player
Wolgha 7 Player
Zil 15 Player
Gazz 3 Player
Argtan 62 Player
Shelora 45 Player
Teo 1 Player
Anturata 1 Player
Betrayed 10 Player
Daniellis 30 Player
Gasdhfsa 7 Player
Divoch 8 Player
Cedirulezz 4 Player
Frodotankin 60 Player
Vulpe 14 Player
Lillypad 10 Player
Firefoxtrot 9 Player
Winterflame 9 Player
Dukarie 1 Player
Baldboy 80 Player
Pzaruuy 4 Player
Lawlbringer 62 Player
Cabezafiol 1 Player
Noxvepal 3 Player
Behzad 1 Player
Go 1 Player
Deylisse 10 Player
Dox 1 Player
Warlokc 11 Player
Muzok 2 Player
Cruizcreda 4 Player
Darkmirar 1 Player
Iraj 1 Player
Belenora 8 Player
Woofwoof 2 Player
Po 60 Player
Bumba 6 Player
Amorgal 36 Player
Fuzek 31 Player
Slycooper 2 Player
Chuckles 13 Player
Amongssus 9 Player
Stvz 21 Player
Kungfu 1 Player
Silas 1 Player
Pandadk 70 Player
Kenpat 6 Player
Taurmage 24 Player
Heh 9 Player
Zwei 7 Player
Lusitano 25 Player
Nas 17 Player
Nyxkuroi 25 Player
Poppy 65 Player
Desperia 5 Player
Ameerh 61 Player
Gipi 2 Player
Imnotbald 56 Player
Sardin 1 Player
Rothgar 1 Player
Magaxx 4 Player
Derryinger 8 Player
Feirfarren 11 Player
Patchi 7 Player